We've moved! We're now at www.revcollins.com. Someone this morning mentioned to me that they had to update their RSS feed. If you're reading this via an RSS reader you'll want to update to our new feed at http://www.revcollins.com/feed/. If you don't know what an RSS reader is, then you have no reason to worry.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
We've Moved!
We've Moved! We're now at our new home at www.revcollins.com.
Posted by
John R. Collins
2:52 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
2009 Newsletter Available
The February 2009 edition of The Parish Visitor, the church's newsletter, is available on the downloads page of www.coffeyvillefirstumc.org.
Posted by
John R. Collins
7:33 PM
Emergency Assistance Fund
We collected $868.62 for the Emergency Assistance Fund on Christmas Eve. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Posted by
John R. Collins
10:37 AM
Vision Team Meeting Still On
Today's Vision Team meeting is still on.
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:45 AM
Shut-In List
We’re trying to compile a comprehensive list of all members of First United Methodist Church who are shut-in. If you know of someone who should be on the list, drop Linda a line at linda@coffeyvillefirstumc.org.
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:11 AM
Church Office Open
School's on for today and the church office will be open (although you might give us a little extra time to get in).
Posted by
John R. Collins
6:35 AM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Church Office Still Closed Today
The church office is still closed today (Tuesday, January 27, 2009) because of snow and ice (mostly the ice).
Posted by
John R. Collins
1:08 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
Fund Balance Report
We started 2008 with $13,663.49 in the General Operating Fund and ended with $16,876.35. We got there through faithful giving during difficult times. Thanks to you all and may God bless you.
Posted by
John R. Collins
4:08 PM
Church Office Closed
The church office is now closed. I sent Linda home early because of the deteriorating conditions of the roads. Remember, if school is canceled or delayed tomorrow, the church office will be closed or delayed.
Posted by
John R. Collins
3:29 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
You 404’d it. Gnarly, dude. — Update
Problem solved. A shout out to Rick Beckman, creator of Thesis Openhook.
Posted by
John R. Collins
8:34 PM
Sermon Available for Download
Today's sermon, bulletin, and scripture insert are all available for download on the "Podcasts" page of our website: www.coffeyvillefirstumc.org.
Update: The "Podcasts" page has now been changed to Multi-Media — Podcasts.
Posted by
John R. Collins
4:01 PM
Faithful Inclusiveness
According to an article in Sojourners, Rick Warren's prayer was far broader than I realized. Here's an excerpt from the article by Arthur Waskow:
I was especially moved by his speaking, in English, the Jewish “Sh’ma“ about God’s unity and the Muslim “Bismillah Er Rachman Er Rahim” — “In the name of God who is Compassionate and Merciful.” I doubt that most Christians knew what he was doing in either case, but Jews and Muslims did.
Warren didn't water down his own beliefs, but was aware that others might not share them, an important starting position for sharing one's Christian faith. Waskow continues:
And I respected his going out of his way to affirm that he spoke in Jesus’ name not as if Jesus were the self-evidently, universally accepted God Incarnate, but rather explicitly that Jesus is the aspect of God that Warren himself feels called by.The full article also discusses the great benediction given by Rev. Lowry and notes that it contained lines from "Lift Every Voice and Sing," something I immediately caught, but many on air commentators apparently did not. As I have indicated in an earlier post, I was enthralled with Lowry's benediction, and though I often disagree with Warren, I was impressed with his thoughtful faithfulness in this case.
The full article is at: http://www.sojo.net/blog/godspolitics/2009/01/22/gods-inaugural-spokespersons/.
Posted by
John R. Collins
2:32 PM
New Website Up
Looking at that last post, I realize that it may not be particularly obvious that the new website is up.
Posted by
John R. Collins
3:58 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
You 404’d it. Gnarly, dude.
Our redesigned website is now up and running. Unfortunately, if you bookmarked or made a favorite out of the old home page you get an error message that reads as follows:
You 404’d it. Gnarly, dude.
Surfin’ ain’t easy, and right now, you’re lost at sea. No worries, though—simply pick an option from the list below, and you’ll be back out riding the waves of the Internet in no time.
* Hit the “back” button on your browser. It’s perfect for situations like this!
* Head on over to the home page.
* Punt.
The wording of this error page doesn't match the rest of the site and I'm trying to change it. In the meantime just click on the "HOME" tab in the top left hand corner and reset your bookmark or favorite.
Update: My first attempt to change the page made it worse and the second made no discernible difference. For the time being, I'm just going to have to content myself that the page goes with our "Surf's Up" 2008 VBS theme.
Posted by
John R. Collins
4:02 AM