It's impossible to know with precision how many trick-or-treaters we had tonight. But based on how many VeggieTales Movie Event invitations we handed out, we know we had at least 208. Thanks to everyone who made this event so successful.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Website Back Up
We're back and up and running at Many thanks to Tony Wood for his efforts.
Posted by
John R. Collins
8:41 PM
Website Woes
We're currently having some trouble with our web hosting. Mr. Tony Wood is already hard at work on the problem. In the meantime you can find our entire site at:
Posted by
John R. Collins
10:51 AM
Monday, October 30, 2006
Taking all of ourselves through the door.
I'm don't know who Kari Jo Verhulst is, but I found this quote in Sojourner's daily "Verse and Voice" email exteremly apt. I think what she has to say about the Psalms is extremely important not only for that book, but for all of the Bible.
The Psalms defy our notions of profane and sacred, proving that everything we feel, witness, do unto others, and have done to us is acceptable subject matter for conversing with the Divine. They invite us to bring every part of ourselves into our houses of worship. If we omit expressions of faith lost, of rage, of disdain, and of the desire for revenge, we leave parts of ourselves at the door.- Kari Jo Verhulst
Posted by
John R. Collins
3:44 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Church/Charge Conference
We had a great church/charge conference this afternoon. I'll post more as soon as I start to feel better. Thanks to all the folks who showed up to support Travis Walker.
Posted by
John R. Collins
7:16 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
Help Wanted
The painter is done with the children's Sunday school room (Room 104) and will finish the fellowship hall tomorrow. We'll need some volunteers to put things back in place before the Church Conference Sunday. If you are willing and able let us know Sunday morning.
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:13 PM
Latest Edition of the Newsletter Up
The newest edition of the Parish Visitor newsletter is now posted on the website.
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:12 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Hanging Around the Palace
"If I had been a journalist at the time of the crucifixion, I would have been hanging around Herod's palace talking to Pilate and disregarding [Jesus]."
I think this is true of most of us. We find ourselves drawn to power, position, and prestige, meanwhile we want avoid poverty and suffering. May the great reversal of the passion, death, and resurrection always serve to remind us that God calls us to the opposite.
Posted by
John R. Collins
2:42 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Linda is out of the office today. I sent her home because she was sick. And I mean I sent her home, she did not go willingly. Jenny and Elizabeth are also unwell. All this at a time when I'm listening to the audio edition of The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History by John M. Barry. My timing is bad, but the book is great. I highly recommend it, although Barry's scientific viewpoint is expressed in a manner that is slightly hostile to faith.
Posted by
John R. Collins
8:45 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Church/Charge Conference this Sunday
This coming Sunday at 4:00 we will have our Church/Charge Conference. Our new District superintendent, Rev. Janet Maxwell will be leading this annual business meeting of the church. We'll have a carry-in dinner following the meeting. Drinks will be provided.
Posted by
John R. Collins
10:19 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
On the Nature of Christian Community
Good thoughts on the nature of Christian community (a.k.a. the church):
"Community is first and foremost a gift of the Holy Spirit, not built upon mutual compatibility, shared affection, or common interests but upon having received the same divine breath, having been given a heart set aflame by the same divine fire, and having been embraced by the same divine love."
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:31 PM
Altar Flowers for November 5
We're still looking for someone to sponsor altar flowers for Sunday, Novemember 5. We have a deal worked out with a local florist to provide flowers for $25. Call the church office if you are interested.
Posted by
John R. Collins
2:38 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Gideon: Tuba Warrior
We got an email from Big Idea, the creators of VeggieTales today. Their new video is coming out soon, so we'll be having another movie event. This video is about biblical story of Gideon. You can learn more at
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:23 PM
The Reality of a Personal God
"There are some who still find the cross a stumbling block, and others consider it foolishness, but I am more convinced than ever before that it is the power of God unto individual and social salvation. ... The suffering and agonizing moments through which I have passed over the past few years have also drawn me closer to God. More than ever before I am convinced of the reality of a personal God."
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:19 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
Preaching Seminar
Jenny and I had a great time at the preaching seminar today. Toward the end of the seminar, someone asked Dr. Lowry about his views on screens in worship. He said he believes they are more important to liturgy than to sermons. He also said that in the future there will be two kinds of churches: those that have screens and those that are museums. I'm glad we're working on becoming the former.
Posted by
John R. Collins
8:57 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Meetings Postponed for Preaching Seminar
Jenny and I recently learned that Dr. Eugene Lowry, ranked as one of the top 12 preachers in the United States, will be presenting a seminar on "The Current State of Preaching" at Topeka First UMC tomorrow. Because the pastor chairs the committee on lay leadership (formerlly the nominating committee), and because I've been told I'm important to the committee that is planning a visit from the bishop, we've postponed those two meetings. I'm sorry about this, but I feel the seminar tomorrow has a lot of promise for teaching me how to serve the church better through my preaching. The committee on lay leadership will meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday and the committee for the bishop's visit will meet a week from Monday at 6 p.m.
Posted by
John R. Collins
8:15 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Free and Odd
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you odd."I've been thinking about this quote from author Flannery O'Conner, ever since I received it in the daily "Verse and Voice" email from Sojourners, I've decided to put some thoughts down. I'm pretty sure she's giving us her take on Jesus' statement found in John 8.32:
"You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."But it strikes me that she may be very close to the truth. The truth of the good news of Jesus Christ sets us free, but it also make us odd. To believe in Jesus Christ, to believe that the poor, the hungry, and the weeping are blessed, to believe in turning the other cheek and going the extra mile, to believe that the last will be first, to take up our cross and follow Jesus; all of these things make us odd. We shouldn't be worried about being odd. Christ was odd. It's when we find ourselves blending in perfectly with our society, that we should be concerned about our faith and our souls.
Posted by
John R. Collins
10:42 AM
Foolishness and Fools
Quote of the day from Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple:
"People do not wish to appear foolish; to avoid the appearance of foolishness, they are willing to remain actually fools."
Posted by
John R. Collins
10:38 AM
The Vision Team met last night and decided to host Trunk-or-Treat again this year. It will be from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 31 in the front parking lot of the church. Bring your treats to share, come in costume if you like.
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:11 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
The Trip to Fanning the Flame
Independence First has 5 or 6 seats available on their van for the ride up to Fanning the Flame this coming Saturday. Let the church office know if you are interested.
Posted by
John R. Collins
11:56 AM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Email Links
Apparently, they don't give out email addresses for Senators and Representatives, but they do have webpages that allow you to contact them. When I try to link, I'm getting rerouted, but you can still find them. Try here and here. If you're from Oklahoma, just enter your address to look up your legislators.
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:10 PM
Contact Information
Since I encouraged you to contact our representatives in today's sermon, I thought the least I could do would be to post the addresses. Here's the contact information for Coffeyville's national lawmakers. I haven't been able to find email addresses yet.
Sen. Pat Roberts
109 Hart Senate O.B.
Washington, DC 20510
Sen. Sam Brownback
303 Hart Senate O.B.
Washington, DC 20510
Rep. Todd Tiahart
109 Hart Senate O.B.
Washington, DC 20510
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:05 PM
Tony Campolo weighs in on Torture
Tony Campolo has a blog entry titled "Duplicity on the Right" that is very much in line with me thinking about torture, though I would argue that this kind of thinking is not limited to the religious right. You can take a look here.
Posted by
John R. Collins
7:43 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Strength of Mennonite Faith
I receive a daily email from Sojourners. About a week ago they had this quote that I really liked from Menno Simons, founder of the Mennonites:
True evangelical faith cannot lie dormant. It clothes the naked, it feeds the hungry, it comforts the sorrowful, it shelters the destitute, it serves those that harm it, it binds up that which is wounded, it has become all things to all people.Today Sojourners had this quote of the week:
"We will forgive you."
[Attributed to an] unnamed Amish neighbor, while embracing the father of Charles Carl Roberts IV, the gunman who killed five Amish schoolchildren and injured five others before taking his own life Monday morning. (source: Lancaster New Era)
Members of the community have established funds both for the families of those killed and wounded (the Amish do not have health insurance), and for the family of Roberts, who leaves behind a wife and two young children. Mennonite Central Committee and Mennonite Disaster Service are also coordinating support for those affected.
Posted by
John R. Collins
3:45 PM
Sermon on Torture
I'm planning to preach on torture this Sunday. In a nutshell, my argument is that as followers of a crucified, and thus tortured, savior, Christians cannot countenance torture under any circumstances. I would appreciate any feedback, or counter-arguments you want to share.
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:37 AM
Magic and Religion
I've noticed some confusion in our society over the difference between magic and religion, namely that people tend to attach to religion the chacteristics of magic. I found the following under Frederick Buechner's entry on "Magic" in Beyond Words:
"Magic is saying 'Abracadabra' and pulling the rabbit out of the hat, is stepping on a crack to break your mothers back, is a dashboard Jesus to prevent smashups. Magic is going to church so you will get to heaven. Magic is using mouthwash so everybody will love you. Magic is the technique of controlling unseen powers and will always work if you do it by the book. Magic is manipulation and says, 'My will be done.' Religion is propitiation* and says, 'Thy will be done.'The adventure of religion is really our only option. The God who gave us free will also remains free.
If security's what you're after, try magic. If adventrue is what you're after, try religion. The line between them is notoriously fuzzy."
*Wikipedia currently has a good defintion of propitiation at:
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:20 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Multi-media Fund Balance
We've collected almost $2,000 in the last few weeks for the multi-media fund. That brings our current total to over $7,350 toward our $20,000 goal.
Posted by
John R. Collins
11:16 AM
Childcare for Yoga
Childcare will be provided for the Yoga class tonight at 6:00 p.m.
Posted by
John R. Collins
11:10 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sermons and Newsletters Online
Just a friendly reminder that we now have sermons (in audio format) and newsletters available at our main website:
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:03 AM
New Time, New Dates for Yoga
The yoga time has changed. Dr. April Foreman will now be offering free yoga classes at 6:00 p.m. on both Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm reposting April's description below.
April Foreman will be offering a restorative yoga class. Restorative yoga focuses on breathing, deep relaxation, and stretching as a means to improve health and reduce stiffness and tension. The style of yoga April teaches is fitness based and does not focus on the religous or spiritual aspects of the discipline. Loose clothes or clothes that allow a wide range of movement are appropriate attire. You don't need to have any experience with yoga to participate. Bring a mat if you have one. Appropriate for a wide range of age and fitness levels. It is the participant's responsibility to ensure that they are physically able to participate in this class. April has experience teaching yoga to Senior Citizens, pregnant women, people with a range of health concerns, as well as younger adults with a broad range of phyical fitness. If you have special fitness needs that should be considered during your participation in class (like hypertension, pregnancy, pain/injury joint injury or replacement, etc.) it is the participant's responsibility to notify April before you begin.
The best explanation of the intended effect of a restorative yoga class was given by a first time participant in April's class who said, "I feel more relaxed and rested than if I had laid on the couch and watched TV all night like I usually do."
Posted by
John R. Collins
9:00 AM