Monday, November 27, 2006

Sound Editor(s) Needed

We're looking for a volunteer or volunteers who can use their computer to edit audio of the Sunday worship service for shut-ins and prepare the sermon for posting on the church's website. I'll help train anyone who's willing to help.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Upper Room and the Widow's Mite

A few weeks ago I preached a sermon on Mark 12.28-34. Recently, The Upper Room Daily Devotional had a devotional covering the same passage that was an excellent testimony to the generosity the Holy Spirit calls forth from us. You can read it here. You can also sign up to receive The Upper Room by email.

Hanging of the Greens Complete

The "hanging of the greens" which is the technical, liturgical term for decorating the church for Christmas was competed today. The place looks great. Thanks to everyone who helped.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Loving ourselves so we can love our neighbor

A quote from Frederick Buechner:

"'Love your neighbor as yourself,' we're told. Maybe before I can love my neighbor very effectively, I have to love me--not in the sense of a blind passion, but in the sense of looking after, of wishing well, of forgiving when necessary, of being my own friend." (Beyond Words, page 251)

This is an important, often overlooked point. The way we take care of ourselves, look after ourselves, want what is best for ourselves, and forgive ourselves, these are indeed the ways we are to love our neighbors, but they require loving ourselves.

Laity Sunday Tomorrow

Jenny and I are looking forward to laity Sunday tomorrow. Mike Mason will be preaching.

Hanging of the Greens

It's late notice, but we'll be hanging the greens tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

Friday, November 24, 2006

A Covenant with all Creation

"The central point in the story of Noah and the ark ... is the covenant established by God with 'living things of every kind.' Here is where God's covenant promises first begin. And God's covenant is established not just with people; it is a covenant with all creation."
—Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, via Sojourners

If you've wondered why we started a recycling program at First; if you've wondered why the trustees are so excited about a more efficient heating and air-conditioning system; if you've wondered why we're replacing light bulbs with more efficient fluorescent bulbs; the quote above is part of the answer. (Another answer is that the heating and air-conditioning system and the fluorescent light bulbs will save quite a bit of money. We're trying, as a church, to be good stewards.) Going back even before Noah and the ark; God created all that is, called it good, and set us to the task of caring for it.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pray for Strength

"Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you yourself shall be a miracle. Every day you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness of life which has come to you by the grace of God."
—Phillips Brooks, via Sojourners

Office Closed Today and Tomorrow

The church office will be closed today and tomorrow for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday Gathering as Regularly Scheduled

There will be a Wednesday Gathering tonight at 7:15.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Christmas Program

We are trying to get ready for the children’s Christmas program that will be a part of the Christmas Eve service and are looking for people who could help us make or find some animal costumes. Specifically we are looking for a donkey (shaggy & brown), a cow (white & red), a sheep (with curly horn), and a dove (or 2). As you might have guessed, we are going sing, “The Friendly Beasts.” Please call or email me at if you can help.

Front Doors have Arrived

The new doors for the front lobby have finally arrived. While they're being installed, we'll have the front sanctuary doors unlocked so you can get in. My apologies to Dave for doubting the existence of the Countryside Glass Company.

Ambient Mics Working Well

The new ambient microphones are working well. The problems with feedback yesterday were unrelated and have been corrected.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ambient Microphones Installed

New ambient microphones were installed yesterday. These will pick up congregational singing, etc. when we record the 10:50 a.m. worship service. Hopefully this will make a much better recording for radio broadcasts and for taking CD's of the service to shut-ins.

Christians and the Death Penalty

This quote was found in yesterday's "Verse and Voice" feature from Sojourners

"Christians who remember their Lord was unjustly and cruelly given the death penalty have a hard time being enthusiastic about imposing the death penalty on others."
—Glen Stassen
This is one argument against the death penalty. The United Methodist Church emphasizes another:
"We believe the death penalty denies the power of Christ to redeem, restore and transform all human beings. The United Methodist Church is deeply concerned about crime throughout the world and the value of any life taken by a murder or homicide. We believe all human life is sacred and created by God and therefore, we must see all human life as significant and valuable. When governments implement the death penalty (capital punishment), then the life of the convicted person is devalued and all possibility of change in that person's life ends. We believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that the possibility of reconciliation with Christ comes through repentance. This gift of reconciliation is offered to all individuals without exception and gives all life new dignity and sacredness. For this reason, we oppose the death penalty (capital punishment) and urge its elimination from all criminal codes."
—The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church
There are, of course, many others.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Great Thanksgiving Dinner being prepared

The church has been filled with the delicious smell of turkey all day long as Chuck McFate and Bill Jones work on getting ready for the Great Thanksgiving Dinner. I know that the turkey is on the bone, I don't like to look at it, I just like to smell it. I trust that all the meat will be cut off the bone by the time I get down to the basement for the meal.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Brian McLaren on Ted Haggard

I've been reading quite a bit about the Ted Haggard. I think the best considered words so far come from Brian McLaren.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Good Questions

From The Christian Century:

In Judaism, according to Jonathan Sacks, chief rabbi of Britain and the Commonwealth, "to be without questions is not a sign of faith, but of lack of death." Jews are encouraged not only to ask questions about the meaning of the faith, but to question God. We ask questions, says Sacks, "not because we doubt, but because we believe." There are, however, three conditions for asking questions rightly: a genuine desire to learn; a readiness to accept the limits of one's understanding; and the realization that, when it comes to Torah [the law], one learns by living and doing. "There is no way of understanding Shabbat without keeping Shabbat."

Subsitute "discipleship" for "Torah" and you have a very good statement on how United Methodists approach questions about their faith. It reminds me of the poster in room 102. Over a picture of Jesus are the words: "He came to take away your sins, not your mind."

Monday, November 13, 2006

Prophets as Party-Poopers

I've been told that I can be a party-pooper and I've often tried to speak a "prophetic word" from the pulpit. Not in the sense of telling the future, but in the sense of speaking of the things the prophets spoke about. You can imagine my joy at reading this quote from Sojourner's "Voice of the Day" feature:

"Prophets are, by their nature, inconvenient party-poopers. It is a mistaken notion that prophets can see the future. Rather, they tell us what is true right now."
Thomas Cahill via Sojourners

Germs, Colds, Flu and Purell Wipes

If you're concerned about cold and flu season being upon us, please note that we have Purell Sanitizing Hand Wipes on the table outside the chapel and in the windowsills of the sanctuary.

Church Sign

The church sign has been carefully restored as an Eagle Scout project and returned to a place of prominence in front of the church. A few answers to questions you may be asking:

1. The location is different because bushes in the old location kept becoming overgrown and hiding it.
2. The brass and bronze were left unpainted because a) it is believed that is the way they were when the sign was originally erected and b) because the Boy Scouts didn't know how we wanted it and painting something is easier than unpainting it.
3. The lower part is paper because the old letters and letter board were in poor shape. We thought if we could get away with printing out a poster and putting it inside the sign we would do that. The consensus among trustees (though not officially because we haven't had a meeting) seems to be that we can't get away with it. Other options will probably be explored.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


This Coming Saturday is the third Saturday of the Month which means it's the Saturday we take recycling up to Independence. right now we're collecting items in the old Tri-M room.

Movie Event a Success

Today's movie event, Gideon: Tuba Warrior, was a success. It's an excellent video, we'll try to get a copy for the church library.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Consecration Sunday Reservations

Because the great Thanksgiving dinner that accompanies Consecration Sunday is a catered meal, we need a reservation or a no from everyone who is actively part of the church. If you weren't present last Sunday and won't be present this coming Sunday please drop us an email or give us a call and let us know whether or not you will be at the great Thanksgiving dinner on November 19. As it stands right now we have over 200 phone calls to make, if you can contact the church office it will make things much easier on the Consecration Sunday team and church council.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Quote for the Day

Stanley Hauerwas is the foremost United Methodist Ethicist. I was very pleased to find a quote from him in todays "Verse and Voice" from Sojourners:

"In saying 'Your kingdom come,' we are acknowledging that faith in Jesus is not simply an idea or an emotion. It is a concrete reality of which we are to become part or else be out of step with the way things are now that God has come into the world in Jesus. When the kingdom comes, we are 'to repent' (i.e. change, let go of our citizenship in the old kingdoms) and 'believe the good news' (i.e. join up, become part of the revolution)."
- Stanley Hauerwas via Sojourners

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bill Hendryx

There is a very nice write-up on Bill Hendryx in today's Coffeyville Journal. Be sure to take a look.

Vote Today

I know that it only encourages them, but get out and vote anyway.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Gideon: Tuba Warrior

We'll be showing the new VeggieTales movie, Gideon: Tuba Warrior, this Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Admittance is free and popcorn and juice will be provided. Learn more at

Yoga Tomorrow

Yoga resumes tomorrow at 6:15 p.m.

United Methodist Global AIDS Fund

As a response to the 2004 General conference and its passing a "Global AIDS Fund," the Kansas East Conference passed legislation last June to contribute. We voted as a conference to pay $1 per member. At Church Conference last Sunday we collected $72. We have 411 members that leaves $339 to go. By a vote of the church council will be taking a special offering on December 3 (world AIDS day is December 1) to raise the difference.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Getting Better

I think I'm finally starting to recover. Expect more posts soon.