Monday, March 31, 2008

Linda Still Sick

The church office is closed.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Slide and a Question ... Continued

From a reader in response to the previous post:

"There will be times that the repeat of a slide is most appropriate and full of impact. But I don't think we want to see all of them again...just like hearing the same sermon. Now how much fun would that be! Although some of us learn best by repetition!!!"
This is very much along the lines of what I was thinking. I will not reuse all the slides, some of them were made for very particular sermons. But others, like the slide for Easter or Baptism of the Lord are less about a particular sermon than about a given liturgical Sunday that repeats itself every year. Next year I may want to do something different, but if I decide that a slide still fits, it is very beneficial to my schedule since I could sometimes save 2-4 hours by using a slide again (This Sunday's slide is an example, I had to orient myself to an updated presentation software program and teach myself how to make things transparent, but most of weeks the title slide doesn't take that long.).

Another line of my thinking is this: I sometimes refer to slides as electronic paraments (non-electronic paraments would include the altar cloth). Both non-electronic paraments and electronic paraments can serve the same purpose, they help us worship, observe the liturgical year and offer visual cues to what is going on for a particular Sunday. When thinking about slides as electronic paraments, reusing a given slide for Easter Sunday or Baptism of the Lord makes a great deal of sense. We use the same non-electronic parament Easter after Easter, and it seems to me that when a slide is particularly attractive it would make sense to use it more than once.

I don't think any of this is in opposition to what the above reader wrote (if it is let me know) and I appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

Friday, March 28, 2008

A Slide and A Question

Above is the main slide for this Sunday. With all the work that goes into these, I'm wondering about the possibility of reusing some of these slides next year. What do you think? Would this be to repetitive, would it go unnoticed, or would the result be somewhere in between? Drop me a note at and let me know what you think.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Linda Sent Home, Parish Visitor Delayed

Linda was here, but she wasn't well, I sent her home early. The Parish Visitor (the church newsletter) won't be put out until next week.

Meet "the Inviting Guy"

"The Inviting Guy" is Ben Scharfstein and United Methodist Communications has a great article on his ministry of inviting people to his church. Evangelism is often times seen as intimidating, but, as Ben demonstrates, it doesn't have to be.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Church Secretary still sick ...

church office still closed.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First UMC and the Journal's Religious Section

Linda has been dutifully sending our church's articles to The Coffeyville Journal these past two weeks even though they have not been printed. We'll try again this week.

Easter Brunch

The Easter Brunch raised $271.81 for Youthville. Thanks to the folks who helped and all the folks who came for the food and fellowship.

Office Closed

I went to the Doctor yesterday. Linda is trying to get in today. For awhile at least, it would be best to call to make sure someone is there before coming in.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

New Hymnal Survey

The General Board of Discipleship is taking a survey about hymnal preferences in considering the possibility of a new United Methodist Hymnal. If you have time for a survey of approximately 35 questions go to:

Friday, March 21, 2008

No Yoga Tomorrow

Our instructor is "anticipating the feast" of Easter.

An Easter Message from the Bishop

From Scott Jones, Bishop of the Kansas Area:

Having trouble playing the video? Want to view the original? A video archive containing this video (and others) in this and other formats is available here.


Church Office Closed Today

In observance of Good Friday.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Doubts at Easter

Garrison Keillor, finding himself doubting the faith asks the timeless question: "Do we really believe or do we just like to hang out with nice people and listen to organ music." The question of why God left room for doubt in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is one I'll be talking about this Easter Sunday. Keillor makes a different set of points about doubt, but they are good points nonetheless.


Easter Worship Slide

Above is the slide I'm planning on using in worship Easter morning. The words and picture extending off the edge of the image are meant to convey the fact that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is an event to great to be contained by our usual categories of thought, thinking, and understanding, that it goes beyond the scope of this world and is truly a cosmic event. The resurrection is larger than life. Let me know what you think at

Cymbals Found

Many thanks to Randi and Shelly for responding to my blog post about the need for cymbals. Wow, I'm really thankful and impressed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quote of the Day

Via Sojourners:

To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us.
—Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline
We sometimes talk as if prayer and action are two different things. They are not. They go hand and hand, and to pray is, in a very real way, to do something. I highly recommend Celebration of Discipline to anyone who wants to grow as a Christian.


We need a cymbal (the musical instrument) for the Good Friday Tennebrae service. Doesn't need to be high quality, just loud. Anyone have a drumset? Anyone?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Update to "New to First?"

After going to, you may have to hit the refresh/reload button on your web browser to see the "New to First" button.

New to First?

I just added a "New to First?" page to our website. Surf over and take a look and let me know what else you think is needed.

Friday, March 14, 2008

He May or May Not Have Been the Bomb-maker"

Via the God's Politics Blog

"He May or May Not Have Been the Bomb-maker by Marianne Kehoe

He may or may not have been the bomb-maker.

Did it matter, now that I stood in front of his body, still connected to tubes and vents and drips, but a body that had already breathed its last?

No, it didn't really matter. I stepped to the bed and laid a hand on his still-warm forehead and prayed. I had always wondered if I would know what to say. And as I opened my mouth, I realized I didn't need to know what to say. If ever the Holy Spirit interceded for me, it was then.

"Oh God, as first you gave this life to us, so now we give him back to you. You know the secrets of our hearts and we pray that this soul may find peace with you. Amen."

The med techs and nurses began to clean the body as I went to get the kaffan, the traditional Muslim burial cloth. We can't—and don't—perform the ritual Islamic washing here in the American hospital in Afghanistan, but we do try to prepare the body as best we can for the family. In some small way, the hospital staff tries to make a difference; though they could not save this man's life, they can at least return the body with some degree of respect and dignity. It is the right thing to do. It just might also save someone else's life down the line.

Because he may or may not have been the bomb-maker. Whether he was or not, the exploding bomb killed him. And as his brother hovered nearby in the ICU, I thought about our small part in the cycle of violence that just maybe had a chance to be broken right here, this very moment.

If he was the bomb-maker, would his brother go home and say, "Even though he planned to kill them, the Americans still tried to save his life …. They operated, they bandaged, and when he died, they washed and wrapped him and prayed over him." And if he wasn't the bomb-maker, would his brother go home and say, "There are people who tried to kill my brother and there are people who tried to save my brother and they are not the same people."

I don't have any answers to that question. I don't know what the brother did when he took him home to bury him. I cannot see into the hearts of people as God does. But I pray for them. And if I am honest, I know I do it for two reasons. Jesus commanded it. And if prayer is as powerful as I believe it is, the neck I save might just be my own.

U.S. Air Force Chaplain Captain Marianne Kehoe is an ordained elder in the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is currently serving in a large U.S. military hospital in Afghanistan."
This is one of most Christian responses to a suicide bombing that I have heard of.

Easter Brunch

We'll be having an Easter Brunch at 9:30 am this Easter. We'll be serving biscuits and gravy and a fruit cocktail. This event is sponsored by the Vision Team but volunteers are needed. There will be a free-will offering the proceeds of which will benefit United Methodist Youthville. Because the Vision Team is picking up expenses every dollar donated will be forwarded to Youthville. You can learn more about Youthville's ministry at

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Quote of the Day: "Power is of God"

Sometimes it seems like power is a bad thing, and people speak as if only in renouncing power can a person do good. But that is not the case. The following comes via Sojourners.

"Power is of God, but like all God’s gifts, humankind has the freedom to misuse power. When this happens, it becomes corrupt, and it violates and dehumanizes others. Powerlessness limits human development and denies persons their promised fulfillment.... We have each been given the power to do what we can do, but are we willing to claim it? To accept it? Or is it safer to ignore or rationalize it away? Is claiming this kind of power worth the cost of change or the risk of rejection?"
Helen Bruch Pearson, Do What You Have the Power to Do
It's worth remembering that Jesus didn't refuse to exercise power, he simply refused to exercise power in the death-dealing ways of the world.

VBS Dates Set

This year's VBS (Vacation Bible School) will be held July 14-18 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Torture Doesn't Work

Whether or not torture works is not a factor in my opposition to it (nor, I believe in the United Methodist Church's), but the fact remains that torture is not only morally repugnant, but completely ineffective. Jack Cloonan, a special agent for the FBI's Osama bin Laden unit from 1996 to 2002, has the most succint explanation of why I have read in his contribution to The Washington Monthly's "No Torture. No Exceptions." series.


Monday, March 10, 2008

No More: No Torture. No Exceptions

"No More: No Torture. No Exceptions." is the title of a a series of article in the Washington Monthly. The articles' authors run the gauntlet from conservative to liberal, from Bob Barr to Nancy Pelosi.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Passion Gospel Reading in Parts

We're taking volunteers to help read the passion story in parts next Sunday. There will be no rehearsals and if you're part of first service you don't even need to leave your seat. If you're interested let me know at

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Daylight Savings Time Begins Tomorrow

Don't forget to "Spring Forward" one hour.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Sunday's Sermon

I'll be preaching a sermon titled "Don't Throw Out the Baby" on Luke 18.9-14.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers for the Gospel lesson on Palm/Passion Sunday. We'll be reading the lesson in parts. Let Jenny or I know if you're interested.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Effective Congregational Evangelism

The Bishop presented a wonderful workshop on Effective Congregational Evangelism Sunday afternoon. If you had to miss the workshop, but would like a copy of the workbook, they are available in the church office.

Voice of the Day: On Fasting

Via Sojourners:

"There is no need to push yourself to heroic effort where fasting is concerned. If you feel tempted to do so, take a hard look at your motives.... "More" is not necessarily "better" in this matter. Perhaps you are called just to be faithful in the humble practice of a short fast once a week. Do not underestimate what God can accomplish in you through the consistent offering of such a discipline."
—Marjorie J. Thompson, Soul Feast