Thursday, April 17, 2008

United Methodist Beliefs and Doctrine

I added a "Beliefs" page to our website last night. I was going to try and find links for all the sources of United Methodist beliefs, theology, and doctrine. I assumed I would have to hunt high and low for them, but was instead pleased to find there is already a great page on our denomination website. I've linked to it from our "Beliefs" page.

Within the offerings, iss this excellent definition of faith:

"Faith is the basic orientation and commitment of our whole being—a matter of heart and soul. Christian faith is grounding our lives in the living God as revealed especially in Jesus Christ. It’s both a gift we receive within the Christian community and a choice we make. It’s trusting in God and relying on God as the source and destiny of our lives. Faith is believing in God, giving God our devoted loyalty and allegiance. Faith is following Jesus, answering the call to be his disciples in the world. Faith is hoping for God’s future, leaning into the coming kingdom that God has promised. Faith-as-belief is active; it involves trusting, believing, following, hoping."