We'll be screening Larry-Boy and the Bad Apple, which has an excellent lesson in resisting temptation tomorrow at 3:00 pm in the basement. If you know of a kid or kid at heart who would like to attend please invite them. We'll have apple juice and popcorn (we went from not being able to rent a popcorn maker, to somehow borrowing two). We'll have chairs, but you'll be far more comfortable if you bring a camp chair or a blanket/sleeping bag to sit upon.
A note about Larry-Boy and the Bad Apple: previous episodes of Larry-Boy have made spoofed Batman, that spoofing continues in the new episode, but it also has quite a bit of Spiderman mixed in. I just watched Spiderman-2 so I could better appreciate it, but it can be enjoyed either way. (I'm, of course, talking about adults. Kid's may or may not recognize the spoofing).
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Of Popcorn, Temptation, and Spiderman
Posted by
John R. Collins
5:04 PM