Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bishop's Letter on Education

I received a letter from Bishop Jones and his colleagues in the Episcopal and Luthern churches. I'm posting it here. It will be available on our website in an easy to print .pdf format.


The Constitution of the State of Kansas provides, “The legislature shall provide for intellectual, educational, vocational and scientific improvement by establishing and maintaining public schools, educational institutions and related activities….”

As we begin a new school year we call attention to this constitutional provision of our state constitution. Additionally, we urge the respective members of our churches to show support for public education in Kansas by considering the following:

  • There are currently a number of challenges facing public education in our State. We should take steps to ensure that we are doing all that we can to support and enhance public education and keep the needs of our children before our elected officials.
  • As professional education staff and the general public come together; each needs to be prepared to tell the story of how public education has enhanced and supported their daily living.
  • We care about public education because many of the participants are members of our congregations.
  • The nurturing of our children begins in the home and the church, however, as the child grows education builds on and continues the nurturing which began in the home and the church.
  • We believe general education is an integral part of God’s creation. It is through the coming together of the nurturing in the home and the church and the teaching in general education that we are able to demonstrate the uniting of faith and reason. As Bishops we don’t separate faith and reason.
  • We praise God through using our minds.
  • Spiritual values lead us to support both public and private education. It is through education that we join knowledge and vital piety.
  • Education is the place where we play out the common good for all. All children are to have the opportunity of achieving their maximum potential.
  • Public education makes it possible to build community across the social and economic lines and divisions created by our society.
Our desire is that this letter will stimulate thought and discussion among our congregants and others. Our hope is that through that stimulation individual lives will be elevated and valued. Our goal is that the members of our churches will be active participants in the providing of good, well-grounded, reasoned and civil education for the common good.

Bishop Scott Jones
Kansas Area, United Methodist Church

Bishop Dean Wolfe
Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Bishop Gerald Mansholt
Central States Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America