We received the following Announcement from Judy Bredesen:
On September 30, 2007 at 2:00 P.M. at the Youth Activity Center, 502 Walnut Street in Coffeyville the people of your congregation are specially invited to attend this unique opportunity to eat with and greet people from other Coffeyville congregations.
Because we are so separated and segregated on Sunday mornings, PINCH is organizing this occasion to bring us together. It is said that Sunday worship is the most segregated hour of the week. This is a rare event and we hope the people of your congregation will plan to attend. PINCH stands for People for Institutional and Communal Harmony and is an organization of which persons from your congregation are founding members.
Please let Judy Bredesen (252-1813) know by September 23rd if you plan to attend. Please bring a dish to pass and your own place setting. Cups, drinks and napkins will be provided.