Today (June 17) is John Wesley's birthday.
A more complete explanation can be found below. I'm not responsible if you get a headache.
Today (June 17) is John Wesley's birthday under the old Julian calendar. In 1752, Britain adopted the Gregorian calendar by skipping 11 days, and so it could be argued that Wesley's birthday is actually on the date we now know as June 28. (Another way to think of it is that in countries that had already adopted the Gregorian calendar by the time Wesley was born, it was June 28 instead of June 17.). Either way Wesley was born in 1703. You can read more about Britain's switch to the Gregorian calendar at I found the reference to both dates at the website of The Methodist Church in Great Britain.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
John Wesley's Birthday Today
Posted by
John R. Collins
5:56 AM