Received from Montgomery County Habitat for Humanity:
Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County is very busy. The footings have been poured at the Cherryvale site. Forms will be set on Saturday, September 6. The annual church co-ed softball tournament has been scheduled for Saturday, September 20 in Cherryvale. Workdays for both the Cherryvale site and property owned in Coffeyville will be scheduled soon. For more information about how your church might enter the softball tournament and support the work of Habitat for Humanity in Montgomery County contact Jim Catlett at 331-1999 or 330-0098. Several new members have joined the Habitat Board: Brenda Sanchez, Delia Northup, Aleen Swart and Bob Sprague. The board is currently searching for someone with bookkeeping skills to serve as treasurer. Interested persons may contact Jim Catlett, Board Chairperson. Contributions are always welcome and may be sent to the P.O. Box listed above. The county chapter receives a greater portion of your gift to HFH when checks are made to Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County.Jack GregoryChurch Relations Chairperson