From the October edition of The Parish Visitor:
A View From the Pulpit
Rev. John R. Collins
If you are looking for new ways to advance the kingdom of God, we have several opportunities right here in Coffeyville (listed in no particular order).
Scholarship Program: we have a United Methodist Coffeyville Community College student who has been attending the 8:10 worship service. His name is Joshua Mendy and he is from Gambia. Just before he left Gambia to come to the United States his father died and he faced the hard choice of coming to CCC or staying home. His family decided that it would be best for him to complete his education. Joshua has five siblings and his father was the family’s breadwinner. He could really use our help with paying for his tuition, books, and fees so that money can be left for his brothers and sisters. Checks should be made out to First UMC with “Scholarship: Joshua Mendy” in the memo line.
Common Ground: a United Methodist layman named Roger Dressler will be spearheading
flood recovery efforts in Montgomery County for several months. We have a prioritized list of things to be done and Roger anticipates outside teams coming in. You can help by joining him in the work directly, or, because of the number of volunteers expected, opening your home as a “Volunteer in Mission Bed and Breakfast.” We will also be trying to provide one group meal a day for the teams at the church and volunteers would be more than welcome for this work also. Contact the church office at 620-251-3240 or if you’re willing to host, bake, cook, help serve, or do dishes.
St. James United Methodist Church: our sister church across town is in the midst of an ambitious project to renovate their sanctuary. The Outreach Committee recently voted $500 in assistance to buy primer and paint, but labor is needed also. Let me know if you’re willing and able and I’ll put you in touch with Pastor Steve Griffith.
Betty Battaglear's: we still have some work to do on Betty’s basement. Most of it will be painting. If you’ve ever painted in your own house we’ll consider you experienced. If you’ve ever painted for someone else we’ll put you down as a master painter.
God calls us to be partners (very junior partners, but partners none-the-less) in bringing about the reign of Christ. We have our marching orders, and we have ample opportunities. Let’s get to work.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Newsletter Article
Posted by
John R. Collins
2:59 PM