Monday, November 03, 2008

The Ongoing Neccessity of John 8.7

I simply can't find words to react to this:

A woman was stoned to death for adultery on Monday in an Islamist-controlled region of Somalia. Somali human rights officials said the woman, 23, had been raped, but the Islamist authorities determined that she was guilty of adultery. She was buried up to her neck and stoned after a crowd of thousands gathered at a soccer field in the town of Kismayu, which is controlled by the Shabab, a radical Islamist group.
–The New York Times, Online November 2, 2008
According to more detailed coverage in The Guardian, a British newspaper, journalists had estimated her age to be 23 based on her appearance. According to her father she was only 13.

It am dumbfounded by the fact that there are places in the world where Jesus' instructions “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8.7) still need to be taken literally.
